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Media release 24.09.2023

Swiss triple victory at the Radcross Illnau 


Kevin Kuhn wins for the third time at the start of the cyclocross season in Illnau. In the UCI C2 race, the Gibswil native beat Timon Rüegg and Finn Treudler. The Swiss trio clearly distanced themselves from the international competition. The Frenchwoman Hélène Clauzel won the women's elite race. In addition to the racers, the Swiss Air Force PC-7 team thrilled the spectators.

Illnau – The Radcross Illnau thrilled the masses! "It was a complete success," said OK President Eric Brüngger shortly after the end of the race. Over 300 athletes were at the start, which is a record. The spectators also came in droves. "We assume that more people than ever came to Illnau. It was a pleasure," said Brüngger.

Kevin Kuhn achieves the triple
The men's elite race was won by Kevin Kuhn (Gibswil/ZH). This was the third time in a row that the local hero won. He won solo in the strong international field. After the victory, Kevin Kuhn spoke of a perfect start to the cyclocross season. "I tried to push against the headwind," said Kuhn after the race. The 25-year-old was able to relegate Timon Rüegg to second place and the young Finn Treudler to third place. The two thus made the Swiss triumph perfect. The women's UCI C2 race was dominated by riders from France and Italy. As in the last two events, the race was won by Hélène Clauzel. The Frenchwoman won ahead of her compatriot Evita Muzic and the Italian Francesca Baroni.

Pfüderis – the offspring is ready
The Pfüderis also had a large field of girls and boys at the start. "It's wonderful to see that so many children are enthusiastic about cycling," said Eric Brüngger, head of the organizing committee. Michael Senn (Hittnau/ZH) won the Cross for All, the race for non-licensed riders.

Airshow PC-7 Team
The Swiss Air Force's PC 7 team thrilled the audience again this year. The cycling fans at the Hagen school were amazed by the aerial stunts. After the 25-minute demonstration in the air, the pilots also visited the
Radcross Illnau on the ground and received a lot of applause from the audience.

"It is great!"
The eleventh cyclocross attracted around 3,000 spectators to Illnau. This is also likely to be a record. Government Council President Mario Fehr was also among the spectators. He was delighted: "It is great to see this community that enjoys this sport." Numerous representatives of local politics were also delighted with the top sporting performances and the perfect autumn weather, including Mayor Marco Nuzzi and Hansjörg Germann, President of the Illnau-Effretikon City Council. They thanked the organizers: "Our city needs such committed people as Eric Brüngger and his team."

Ranking list across all categories - PDF file

Media release dated 24.09.2023 - PDF file

Impressions 11th Int. Radcross Illnau 2023


Sieger-Quartet in Illnau, Loris Rouiller, Kevin Kuhn, Gioele Bertolini


Léa Stern, Sieger des Elite-Frauen Rennens


Louie Brüngger, Sohn von Nico und Göttibueb von Eric gewinnt das Pfüderi Rennen

Medienmitteilung 16.09.2024

Radcross Illnau 2024


Am kommenden Sonntag, 22. September 2024, findet das Radcross Illnau zum zwölften Mal statt. Es der Auftakt in die Schweizer Radquersaison. Nationale und internationale Spitzenfahrerinnen und Fahrer duellieren sich auf dem Rundkurs.


Spektakel im Schatten der Strassen-WM

Mit der Strassen-WM, welche zeitgleich in Zürich stattfindet, hat das Radcross Illnau in diesem Jahr grosse Konkurrenz. OK-Chef Eric Brüngger sagt dazu: «Natürlich ist dies ein Wermutstropfen, wir hoffen aber, dass trotzdem viele Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer den Weg nach Illnau finden. Diese werden ihr Kommen garantiert nicht bereuen.» Neben den spannenden Rennen in 15 verschieden Kategorien wartet auch eine Festwirtschaft mit perfekter Sicht auf die Rennstrecke auf die Besucher. Der Eintritt ist gratis.


Die bisherige rund 2.5 Kilometer lange Rennstrecke wurde leicht angepasst, so dass die Radquer-Fans noch mehr vom Renngeschehen sehen können. Die Strecke führt mehrheitlich über die Felder rund um das Schulhaus Hagen. Kommentiert werden die Rennen von Till Bitterli und Michael Alborn.


Schweizer Top-Fahrer und «Pfüderis»

«Wir wollen den Radquersport auf allen Stufen stärken», sagt OK-Chef Eric Brüngger. «Es ist mir wichtig, dass alle in Illnau eine Startgelegenheit haben.» Den Rennsonntag eröffnen die Fahrerinnen und Fahrer der Kategorie «Cross für Alle» Es folgen die diversen Nachwuchskategorien bis hin zu den Allerkleinsten, mit Jahrgang 2022. Unter allen teilnehmenden Kindern wird ein Velo verlost.


Höhepunkt des Renntages sind die Elite-Rennen der Frauen und Männer. Top-Favorit auf den Sieg im Elite-Rennen der Männer ist Vorjahressieger Kevin Kuhn. Zu den Anwärtern auf den Sieg zählen aber auch der Romand Loris Rouiller und der Italiener Gioele Bertolini. Im Elite-Rennen der Frauen kämpfen mit Amelie Kipfmüller und Lara Krähenmann auch zwei Zürcher Oberländerinnen um den Tagessieg. Zurzeit sind für das erste Schweizer Radquer der Saison rund 200 Fahrerinnen und Fahrer gemeldet. Die Preisgelder der Frauen und Männer-Rennen wurden auf diese Austragung angeglichen. «Dies ist mir sehr wichtig, wir wollen damit den Frauenradsport fördern», sagt Eric Brüngger.



Programm und Zeitplan

09.30 Uhr Amateure/Master

09:32 Uhr Cross für alle

10.35 Uhr U17 Herren

10.37 Uhr U17 Frauen

11.30 Uhr U13/U15

12.10 Uhr U19 Herren / UCI C2

12.12 Uhr U19 Frauen / UCI C2

13.10 Uhr Kids Cross 1- 4

14.15 Uhr Elite Frauen / UCI C2

15.30 Uhr Elite Männer / UCI C2

Media release 24.09.2023

Swiss triple victory at the Radcross Illnau 


Kevin Kuhn wins for the third time at the start of the cyclocross season in Illnau. In the UCI C2 race, the Gibswil native beat Timon Rüegg and Finn Treudler. The Swiss trio clearly distanced themselves from the international competition. The Frenchwoman Hélène Clauzel won the women's elite race. In addition to the racers, the Swiss Air Force PC-7 team thrilled the spectators.

Illnau – The Radcross Illnau thrilled the masses! "It was a complete success," said OK President Eric Brüngger shortly after the end of the race. Over 300 athletes were at the start, which is a record. The spectators also came in droves. "We assume that more people than ever came to Illnau. It was a pleasure," said Brüngger.

Kevin Kuhn achieves the triple
The men's elite race was won by Kevin Kuhn (Gibswil/ZH). This was the third time in a row that the local hero won. He won solo in the strong international field. After the victory, Kevin Kuhn spoke of a perfect start to the cyclocross season. "I tried to push against the headwind," said Kuhn after the race. The 25-year-old was able to relegate Timon Rüegg to second place and the young Finn Treudler to third place. The two thus made the Swiss triumph perfect. The women's UCI C2 race was dominated by riders from France and Italy. As in the last two events, the race was won by Hélène Clauzel. The Frenchwoman won ahead of her compatriot Evita Muzic and the Italian Francesca Baroni.

Pfüderis – the offspring is ready
The Pfüderis also had a large field of girls and boys at the start. "It's wonderful to see that so many children are enthusiastic about cycling," said Eric Brüngger, head of the organizing committee. Michael Senn (Hittnau/ZH) won the Cross for All, the race for non-licensed riders.

Airshow PC-7 Team
The Swiss Air Force's PC 7 team thrilled the audience again this year. The cycling fans at the Hagen school were amazed by the aerial stunts. After the 25-minute demonstration in the air, the pilots also visited the
Radcross Illnau on the ground and received a lot of applause from the audience.

"It is great!"
The eleventh cyclocross attracted around 3,000 spectators to Illnau. This is also likely to be a record. Government Council President Mario Fehr was also among the spectators. He was delighted: "It is great to see this community that enjoys this sport." Numerous representatives of local politics were also delighted with the top sporting performances and the perfect autumn weather, including Mayor Marco Nuzzi and Hansjörg Germann, President of the Illnau-Effretikon City Council. They thanked the organizers: "Our city needs such committed people as Eric Brüngger and his team."

Ranking list across all categories - PDF file

Media release dated 24.09.2023 - PDF file

Impressions 11th Int. Radcross Illnau 2023


Winning trio in Illnau, Timon Rüegg, Kevin Kuhn, Finn Treudler


Hélène Clauzel, winner of the elite women’s race


Pfüderis at the Radcross Illnau 2023


Kevin Kuhn and Timon Rüegg on the race track


Spectators at the Radcross Illnau

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